Kissing and Cuddling and Pegging, Oh My!

Kissing and Cuddling and Pegging, Oh My!

21st Feb 2017 6:15pm - 10pm
Greenwich Mean Time
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2017-02-21 18:15:00 2017-02-21 22:00:00 Europe/London Kissing and Cuddling and Pegging, Oh My! 100 Leonard Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4RH

Event Details

What do millennial men get up to on a Friday night?

Brought to you by Empirical Sex: From bromances to pegging, in this provocative talk sociologist Professor Eric Anderson will introduce his ‘Inclusive Masculinity Theory’ and explain how and why masculinities are softening among young men. 

Whereas homosexuality was highly stigmatized in the 1980s, decreasing homophobia has made bisexuality more visible and socially legitimate today. And happily, research shows that most of today's young men understand that sexuality is complicated. Being less concerned about being thought gay among peers, this culture allows young men to show feminized masculinities and to be considerably less rigid in their approach to heterosexuality – whether that’s kissing and cuddling other males, enjoying their own anal sexual experiences or having stronger emotional relationships with their dude friends. 

Dr. Eric Anderson is Professor of Sport, Masculinities & Sexualities at the University of Winchester. He holds four degrees, has published 14 books, and over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles. His research is regularly featured in international television, print and digital media. He is the leading academic expert on gay men in sport, is the architect of Inclusive Masculinity Theory and his sexuality research extends to biphobia and monogamy.

Time: 7.15pm - 10pm

Price: £7 // £5 Student

Grab your tickets here.

Empirical Sex is an organisation dedicated to the open discussion of scientific sex research- featuring talks from academics, scientists and other scholars with groundbreaking ideas in sex, gender and sexuality in venues around the city.

#ThinkingAndDrinking present Sex Ed for Grown Ups, a new series of events on sex, sexuality and gender - from science to strip-tease. And because you’re a fully fledged adult now, you can do all of this with a drink in-hand.